Thursday, June 4, 2009

Journal of Genetic Genealogy - Spring, 2009

Journal Of Genetic Genealogy (JOGG)

Spring Issue now available

The spring issue of the Journal of Genetic Genealogy is now available. There may be a few items of interest to those who are keeping track of the DNA Project:

1) A commentary about the DAR vs. the use of DNA by Whit Athey.
The DAR is avoiding the use of DNA as evidence of descent from a Revolutionary War Veteran.

2) An article regarding Y-DNA traits of lines originating in Ireland.
Pointing to R1b types, there are certain DYS values that help determine Irish Origins.
Here, Dennis Wright expands on some work originally discovered by Ken Nordtvedt.

3) There are also three mtDNA articles.

You should find the Journal of Genetic Genealogy at:

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Facebook Research Trip Photo Album

I've started a Facebook Photo Album of pictures from my research trips for our book "A Short History of the HAM Surname in Virginia & NC." Some of these you may have seen in the book, but I will probably upload a number of them that did not get into the book.

To view the caption, either mouse over or click on the picture for a larger view.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

KallOut - New Search Tool

Now here's a nifty little tool I just installed on my FireFox web browser - KallOut.

Genealogists are always trying to find good reference material on the web, be it a primary source document, a news article, or even a You Tube video. A Google search doesn't always return everything that is available on the internet.

You can now search any of your favorite web sites in seconds, and no typing required. (Sweet!)

If you find an article on a web page that doesn't have an associated link, now you can just hi-lite a word on the page, then select the type of search you want from a menu of options.

I'd say this has to be an improvement over a plain vanilla Google search.
Currently, it can search Google, Yahoo, Ebay, flickr, Twitter, IMDb, FaceBook, etc.

(For example, I can hi-lite Tyler Ham, and select a search on IMDb... interesting!)

It should help with genealogy work, I should think.

- Enjoy

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