Poll Results: Areas of Interest
In the blog Poll for October, the questions were geared toward finding out the interests of those currently reading the blog. The blog saw 147 unique visitors in the month of October. Up to 16 votes were cast in the Poll.
One of the items (that people voted on) indicated that they did not know "How To" read a phylogenetic chart. Which resulted in a blog post and You Tube video on the subject. The poll was to help me set a priority on some things I should be setting a priority to work on.
Here were the results of the October poll:

64 % said they could identify 5 famous HAM(M)'s.
35 % said they could NOT name 5 famous HAM(M)'s

76 % of those who voted said they did NOT know how the HAM(M/N/E) surname began.
23 % said they DID know how the HAM(M/N/E) surname began.

85 % said they did NOT know who Odon IV was.
14 % said that they did know.

57 % of those who voted said they did NOT know if they descend from an immigrant ancestor who arrived in America prior to 1700.
42 % said they DO know if they descend from an immigrant ancestor who arrived in America prior to 1700.

92 % said they did NOT know "How To" interpret HAM DNA phylograms.
7 % said they did.

50 % said they DID NOT KNOW if their HAM(M?N?E) line is participating in the HAM DNA Project.
42 % said that their line was participating in the HAM DNA Project.
7 % said that their line was NOT participating in the HAM DNA Project.

31 % said they have the most interest in South Carolina
18 % said they have the most interest in the states of:
North Carolina
12 % said they have the most interest in the states of:
and 6 % said they have the most in the states of:
New York
Tennessee or "other" state
( * You could vote on more than one state for this question.)

46 % voted that they have an interest in England
40 % said Germany
26 % said United States
(presumably, could apply to Native Americans)
13 % said they have an interest in:
- or "other" Country
6 % said they had an interest in:
( * You could vote on more than one state for this question.)
I would also presume that African Americans are not yet voting in the Poll.
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