Showing posts with label Book Price Change History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Price Change History. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Book Price Change History

Used HAM Book Triples in Price

I couldn't help but notice that the ISBN Price History on used copies of "A Short History of the HAM Surname in Virginia & NC" has gone up during the month of August.

ISBN is tracking online vendor prices for our book, and apparently the average price is now $216.31.

Let me see, the copy from Abebooks apparently sold for $134.97, as I could not follow their link to the seller. According to ISBN: 0966547101

There is a used volume #2 (only) available on Amazon from ACCBold (claims to be located in MN) for $95.00 plus $3.99 for shipping.

And finally, a used copy of all three volumes is also available on Amazon from Internationalbooks (claims to ship from Maryland) for $297.65, plus $3.99 shipping (or $12.49 for shipping international). Let me see, that's about $100.00 for each volume.

Of course, you can buy a new copy of volume #2 from us for $36.00. That is, a used copy is selling for nearly three times as much as a new one. I suppose it's nice to know that the book has tripled in value if you own a used copy.

And, of course, a new three volume set is still available from HAM Country for $110.50, compared to the $297.65 price for a used copy from Internationalbooks.

It just gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that the value of a used copy has gone up on the ISBN price survey. After all, I've always thought the set was a good investment.

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