Showing posts with label Contest Results: Jerome HAM Poll - April 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest Results: Jerome HAM Poll - April 2008. Show all posts

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Contest Results: Jerome HAM - April 2008

HAM Book Contest Results
Jerome HAM Poll Questions

April, 2008

We had a tie between "mynaime05" and "Hammer." Technically, "mynaime05" was the first of the two to submit their comment and therefore would be the winner for reasons of time.

I have discussed this with Geneva and Susan, and they agree to waive the fastest response this time, and permit both to win. That's mainly because there was some confusion about "how to" enter the contest. However, from now on, if there is a tie, the prize will go to the earliest entry.

There were three total entries in the contest. Both entries for
"mynaime05" and "Hammer" had two correct answers (Missy entered twice, but I only counted her "official" answer. Missy answered one question correctly.) There were four multiple choice questions in the Poll. So, the winners got two answers correct out of a total of four questions.

Both "mynaime05" and "Hammer" got the number of children correct, but differed on when Jerome HAM was born, and whether or not the Jerome HAM of Bristol and Jerome HAM of Virginia was the same man.

For when Jerome HAM was born, the Poll would accept more than one answer (there was more than one correct answer). "Hammer" selected the wrong birth date.

For the last question, the two Jerome HAM's were different men. "mynaime05" selected the wrong answer.

So, both answered two of the questions correctly.

If "mynaime05" and "Hammer" will send me an email privately, I would like to gather their contact information so that we can send the books out. My email: odoniv (at)

Congratulations go to the contest winners,
"mynaime05" and "Hammer."

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