HAM Surname
Counties of Origin
in North Carolina
Counties of Origin
in North Carolina
I have posted a You Tube video of the Counties of origin of the HAM surname in North Carolina prior to 1830. From the book "A Short History of the HAM Surname in Virginia & NC."

It gives a quick overview of the migration pattern for the HAM surname in North Carolina prior to 1830. Lists names of first inhabitants with the surname HAM(M) by County.
As with the video on Virginia origins, I had to make a judgment call on which person to list and a few adjustments were made in order for the video to make better sense. Sometimes only the last name is mentioned, or the full name is mentioned in a document without any indication if the person actually lived there. In one case, a person is named, but the next year, three people were named as living in the County. Judgment call to include all three (1790 Franklin County). Richard HAM and wife Diana are mentioned in Granville, Bute, and Warren Counties. Should help to distinguish from the Richard HAM of Wayne County. As with (Old) Rhappahannock County in Virginia, Bute and Dobbs Counties were abolished.
A judgment call was made to to include them for this video. So, unlike the Virginia video, I attempted to include the now extinct counties of Bute and Dobbs.
The timeline on these extinct counties looks something like this:
------->1764-------> 1779
Granville -->> Bute County -->> Warren & Franklin Counties
Dobbs -->> Dobbs & Wayne -->> Wayne, Glasgow & Lenoir -->> Wayne, Greene & Lenoir
3.5 minutes, 5 MB
Music by Ilya Gordon, "The GetAway" & "Winterfell"
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