Saturday, April 5, 2008

The HAM Book Trailer

"A Short History of the HAM Surname in Virginia & NC"

Having studied the HAM surname in Virginia for nearly a decade, our book "A Short History of the HAM Surname in Virginia & NC" was finally published in 2003. I compiled and published the book, and the research was very much a team effort. The book was co-authored with Geneva S. Greer and Susan Bullock. There were numerous contributors to the book. Professional genealogists were hired out for work in Virginia, England (Bristol and PCC Wills), as well as in France (Amiens).
This was the first time that a book had been written in an attempt to study the HAM immigrants to Virginia from England. At the time of publication, I had no evidence that my line would have immigrated from England, but I focused upon England because I at least knew my HAM line was from Virginia. Virginia was an English colony, so the probabilities favored immigration from England.

The pictures in the video were often taken on location during my research trips, or from research hired out in France. I had taken many research trips to all of the libraries featured in the video, and the pictures of Jamestown were taken on site, and are from my personal collection. I have some home video of William Kelso (of APVA) performing an archaeological dig at Jamestown, and more pictures of the ruins in Jamestown, but could not fit them into this video.

Captain John Smith, Jamestown
Those years of research were focused upon our book "A Short History of the HAM Surname in Virginia & NC," using tradition genealogical methods. We searched for original source material, with visits to the Archives in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. Professional genealogists were hired in Virginia, the UK, and France.

Odon IV and coat of arms

Original source records were sought in all cases. When secondary sources were found, every effort was made to double check for accuracy. Owners of the book are pleased to find the clarification on Jerome HAM, for example. The reader is able to use the citations in the book to find the original source of the current myths behind Jerome HAM. The (inaccurate) Jerome HAM myths now having a life span of over 40 years, mostly spread through commercial genealogy sites, such as

The music was created by Ilya Gordon, Gregorian Sense, and Steve Massey (included by permission).

I hope that you enjoy the HAM Book video Trailer.

Click on the title to post comments.


Ron Hamm said...

Hi. I'm happy to see that folks have much of the ground work before me. I find in my own searching that members of our S C Hamm family passed through both Va & N C The Ham book trailer is alright. As best as I have determined, it seems that we go back to Alsace. Thanks very much for the work that you do and also to Dave Hamm for the DNA project.
Though now living in East TN, was born in Newberry SC and spent the first fifty years of my life there and mostly in Sumter SC. Ron Hammxhjvjzkdirsuyqa

Odon said...

Hi Ron,

Thanks for the comments. Just trying to add a little fun to the genealogy work.

Alsace sounds reasonable, as there should be some HAM lines from that area.

- Odon